Free guidance on digital marketing, SEO, SMM and generating traffic without gigantic marketing budget for Startup CEO's, Entrepreneurs and Business owners.

he machines haven't taken over. Not yet at least. However, they are seeping their way into our lives, affecting how we live, work and entertain ourselves. From voice-powered personal assistants like Siri and Alexa, to more underlying and fundamental technologies such as behavioral algorithms, suggestive searches and autonomously-powered self-driving vehicles boasting powerful predictive capabilities, there are several examples and applications of artificial intellgience in use today. What is…

Every year, we see new elements and styles in website design begin to emerge. Some elements when incorporated thoughtfully help tell stories and explain your company. Other elements work to improve how content looks on a specific device. While it's not necessary to include every trend that comes about on your website, many of them have the potential to improve your visitor's experience. Large & Responsive Hero Images :…

"Search engines are nothing but a set of algorithms. They look into various factors to rank your page for certain keywords. Now, we need to help search engines identify that target keyword from the post in order to make that post more relatable to readers" In simple words, SEO or Search Engine Optimisation denotes to any activity performed for the improvement of Search Engine rankings of websites,products, services…

Work for living Or Live for working?? 1. Live in the present. Living in the moment doesn’t mean completely forgetting about the past and the future, it means not allowing the past or the future to control the present. I can honestly say that one of the things I am most proud of during my work was being present every single moment and taking it all in. People…

Here are the steps which is very useful while creating the Ads in Facebook. Its self explanatory in Facebook page, But we though to share the glimpse of the insights. CREATING YOUR CAMPAIGN a) Choose An Objective The first step in creating an ad in ad creation is choosing an objective from the list. Above are the numbers of objective you can select from the list. b) Name your campaign…

Good ways to start Digital Marketing for your own business Hello Folks, Below are some ways to elevate your business online. If you have interest in spending time online then you can easily hit the target without hiring the agencies. Here are they : 1.Social Media Marketing If you have a small business, social media might be the first thing to do Digital Marketing. Also you'll use it…